Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Job!

So a few weeks ago my BFF was talking about how swamped she has been with her business, I think I've mentioned she is a photography, and she was thinking about hiring someone. I told her to hire me. Well now I'm her "studio manager". It's not a full time job, I still can do my sewing projects and work at the fabric store whenever they need me.
It's been so much fun! We do our work, chit-chat and cook lunch. Some nights my husband comes over after work and we have dinner.
This is a picture she took of me that she posted on her blog( after I started.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Great picture!

Bridgette said...

Thanks I was practicing what i learned on America's Next Top Model! haha

Kenn said...

What a wonderful picture! Congratulations on the new job!