Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vacation!! part 4 & 5

It's taken me 2 days to get these videos to upload. These are the last 2 from our trip to DC. Hope everyone enjoys!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Summer 2010-Trips

We took our annual trek with family and friends this year to Cape May, New Jersey. We got to stay with friends part of our trip and family the rest, best of both worlds. I'm always up for something different so this year I rented a bike and peddled around Cape May(mainly to the beach). It was so inexpensive and you know, very green!!
One really neat thing happened while we were there this year. Diners, Drive-ins, & Dives tapped at one of the restaurants we've been to a few times over the years since staying in Cape May! So if you every get a chance make sure to eat breakfast at George's Place, they have the best banana stuffed french toast.

The BFF and I took her kids to Philadelphia the day before school started. It's really fun being a siteseer in a city you been to millions of times. I highly recommend visiting the "City of Brotherly Love" when ever you get a chance.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Summer 2010-Making

Made a few pillows and covered the bench in the foyer over the summer.
Looking back over my pictures there was a lot more activity in the kitchen then I thought. I had a bumper crop of cucumbers so canning dill pickles were a must. This was a first for me.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Summer 2010-Gardening

We had a really great garden this year. I think I finally got into a good gardening grove.